This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Friday, September 30, 2005

Back that thing up

I was downtown walking and I heard the sound big trucks make when they are reversing. I looked around and saw no big or even medium trucks. I started laughing to myself because that noise in general makes me laugh. Then I looked over and saw this small vehicle making the beeping noise as it was trying to parallel park. More laughing to myself.

This reminded me of a phase I went through in high school where I really wanted to pimp out my Geo Metro. I looked into how much it would cost to install the beeping noise whenever I backed up as well as the cost of installing a PA system. I ended up buying one of those CD adapters where you put a tape in the tape deck and then you can plug your discman into it and listen to CDs. I was ALL pimped out.


An acorn fell on my head the other day. I looked up at the tree outraged, expecting to see a feisty little squirrel rubbing its mits together and laughing. Nothing. I was left with chunks of acorn in my hair.


I am a middle school education major in the middle of my last year of school. My fellow classmate, Heather, is in the same boat. She was called in to speak to the head of the department because he had concerns about whether or not she was ready to start student teaching and recommended that she take a year off. The reason he gave her for her not being prepared was what he called the "Nametag Situation". He is our professor for the Language Arts Methods class and has had us in 4 different classes. He insists on every student, which he has also had for 4 classes, displaying the nametag tents he provided on the first day. We have desks the size of a mousepad so you can understand the difficulty in having room for books, paper, and a nametag tent. Heather's nametag tent often gets knocked on the ground accidentally and she just leaves it there for the rest of the class. Our professor collects the nametags at the end of each class. Last week Heather forgot to turn hers in, and then she lost it at home. So she ended up making a nearly identical one. This is the extent of the "nametag situation". Clearly she is NOT ready to teach.


I listen to KLOVE like it's my job. I logged onto their website ( for the first time yesterday and caught a glimpse of pictures of the dj's. Not what I had pictured as I bopped my head to Kathy Troccoli. This has happened to me several times throughout my radio listening career. Their voices are decievingly much more attractive and cool. I vote for no more pictures of djs on websites. I'm being harsh. Sorry DJs.


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