This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


For all you all who I haven't seen me since December 13th...I changed my hair. Consider yourself warned.
Bangs. Red.

Me: Brandon, what if everyone laughs at my hair today? (Hiding my head under the covers)
Brandon: Honey, your friends wouldn't tell you what they really thought anyways.


On a somewhat related note, Brandon and I ate out at Roja's in Omaha over the weekend, it was red hot. Going next door for a wine tasting instead of sitting around waiting for our buzzer to go off made me feel posh. Plus a wine guy signed the bottle of wine we bought. Why? Because I think autographs from people I don't know or care about are cool and he insisted on it. Which is weirder? You be the judge.


Brandon and I are preparing for our move this weekend. We are quite a pair. Brandon insists on packing and actually seems to be enjoying it (no complaints here). I insist on decorating and unpacking (no complaints from him).


I take my last undergrad final ever and I'm planning on going out with a BANG(s)! It shouldn't be too tough considering my professor already told us the whole class had A's and it is a partner final. This was shortly after he gave us a sermon on how teacher's college does NOT inflate grades...roight.


If you've never met someone before, is it okay to judge them by their emails? I'm waiting to meet my cooperating teachers for student teaching and so far all I know about my FCS teacher is that she said,

"The 8th grade classes are called FCS I and FCS II (very original!)."

I like it. Sarcasm gets me. Her first name is also Gay. The fact that I just mentioned that is probably a good indicator that I will fit in well with junior high kids.


  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Lauren said…

    ummm...your friends will mostly certainly tell you what they really think. recall the purple hair-dying incident when i peed my pants and bursted several blood vessels while rolling on the floor laughing hysterically when you got back from the hairdresser. all the while gasping, "it...looks...fine. no...really...great..."

    anyway, you're gorgeous no matter the hairstyle!

    also, it is perfectly appropriate to judge by email. the written word. IT DOES NOT LIE.

    love you girl!


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