Whoppin' Good Times
We had a guest speaker in my SPED 401B night class. His name is Shane and he is blind. His wife is blind too. He had a good sense of humor.
He told us that sometimes he will be at a fast food restaurant and say "I'd like a whopper" and a sighted customer behind him will tell him that nobody is at the counter, he responds, "Yeah, but I'd still like a whopper." I don't know if this is funny or sad.
"Loved God and loved people"
-what Eric's girlfriend, Esther, would want people to say about her at her funeral
"Funny and athletic"
-what Eric would want people to say about him at his funeral
"He's not really dead!!"
-what Brandon would want people to say about him at his funeral
Another one of Dad's fun family question nights! Almost as exciting as last Thanksgiving when he had everyone go around the table and predict what the next major terrorist attack would be.
In trying to select my tea bag at a coffee shop yesterday the enthusiastic worker offered her help -- she really liked the raspberry tea! She nearly shouted this at me. I picked up the V-day support women vanilla tea and asked about it. She said she hadn't try it because it smelled like play-dough. I ordered it anyway. It tasted like play-dough. Drinking my play-dough tea next to a sculpture of a vulva. Nice.
I am trying to find a hobby for myself. I think I'm going to take up sewing and sew all my own clothes. My mom sewed all of her bridesmaids dresses for her wedding. They were beautiful and classic. I have a feeling my "clothing line" won't fit that description - darn. I'm serious about my darn. Sometimes I wish I was attracted to classic types of things, but I'm not.
My mom suggested as an alternative that I could learn to knit or hook. Her friend Patty is part of a Hookers Club. Now that's the type of thing that I'm attracted to.
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