This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Last night was awesome. As Eric put it, "We are such little kids! But I am overjoyed." Mitch came upstairs to quietly inform my mom and I that he was going to get groceries with Rachel but to NOT tell Eric. Well, Eric overheard and as soon as Mitch snuck out the door Eric invited me to join him on a stalking adventure. Since I have only had the pleasure of being stalked by some of my best friends, I thought I deserved to be the stalker this time.

We creeped along the route to Rachel's house on the look out for Mitch, but nothing. So we headed to Supersaver to look for them. Nothing. So I call Mitch and ask him to pick up milk at the the way, which store are you at? HY-VEE!

Eric parked so close to Rachel's passenger car door that he could barely squeeze out. Then we found them in the fruit and vegetables aisle looking like an old married couple shopping together and Eric rushes over to them yelling, "What a coincidence!! I can't believe you guys are here too!" Rachel and I were laughing so hard we were crying. Mitch's face was the color of the tomatoes. And Eric was simply giddy. What a great night!


  • At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    First, speaking as an expert, the word is "stalked", not "stocked". (Katie will back me up on this.)

    Second, LOL!!! Wish I could've been there.


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