This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Guess what? Erin and Kenny got engaged! I'm going to get a brand new brother! May God grow them closer together as they prepare for marriage.

Love you both,

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Ten things I love about my mom:
1. She is a wonderful listener.
2. She isn't afraid to go against the grain.
3. She has a tattoo.
4. She is the coolest dresser I know.
5. She loves being a mom!
6. She knows how to party.
7. She has great friends.
8. She makes a killer turkey sandwich.
9. She is an awesome runner.
10. The way she laughs until she cries - it's rare, but something to be seen.

I love you Mom!

Friday, February 10, 2006


I am a student teacher. Do you all remember what you did to your student teachers? I remember and I cringe. I walk into La Vista Junior High and I cringe because even those goody goody students (like I was back in the day) thrive on torturing a student teacher.

Karma. Stay away from me karma.

So far so good.