This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Weird behaviors in public restrooms:

Saw a girl brushing her teeth just yesterday.

Saw a woman leave water running in a sink for about 10 minutes to make sure it got warm enough and then warming up her hands with the water and offering it to me.

A girl cleaning out her coffee mug in the toilet because she thought it was cleaner than the bathroom sink.

Every Tuesday and Thursday in between an afternoon class I would go to the bathroom in this kind of hidden, quiet bathroom on East campus and I would see a lady in professional clothing (hose on and all) taking a nap in the restroom.

A little girl shampooing her cat.

Another girl journaling.

A girl using a paper towel to get the soap out of the soap dispenser.

A woman changing into a penguin suit.

A girl taking notes on the How to Learn Italian that they play in Maccaroni Grill restrooms.

A little boy looking under my stall to find his mom.

Ok, I'm done. I've intermittenly put in some made up stuff too. Add your bathroom stories. Or make some up. Or don't - see if I care. I will. But just go ahead and see.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Fanta! Fanta! Don't you fanta?

voted best commercial before movies in the theatre ever. by me.

i'm going to be a fantana for halloween.

Whoppin' Good Times

We had a guest speaker in my SPED 401B night class. His name is Shane and he is blind. His wife is blind too. He had a good sense of humor.

He told us that sometimes he will be at a fast food restaurant and say "I'd like a whopper" and a sighted customer behind him will tell him that nobody is at the counter, he responds, "Yeah, but I'd still like a whopper." I don't know if this is funny or sad.


"Loved God and loved people"
-what Eric's girlfriend, Esther, would want people to say about her at her funeral

"Funny and athletic"
-what Eric would want people to say about him at his funeral

"He's not really dead!!"
-what Brandon would want people to say about him at his funeral

Another one of Dad's fun family question nights! Almost as exciting as last Thanksgiving when he had everyone go around the table and predict what the next major terrorist attack would be.


In trying to select my tea bag at a coffee shop yesterday the enthusiastic worker offered her help -- she really liked the raspberry tea! She nearly shouted this at me. I picked up the V-day support women vanilla tea and asked about it. She said she hadn't try it because it smelled like play-dough. I ordered it anyway. It tasted like play-dough. Drinking my play-dough tea next to a sculpture of a vulva. Nice.


I am trying to find a hobby for myself. I think I'm going to take up sewing and sew all my own clothes. My mom sewed all of her bridesmaids dresses for her wedding. They were beautiful and classic. I have a feeling my "clothing line" won't fit that description - darn. I'm serious about my darn. Sometimes I wish I was attracted to classic types of things, but I'm not.

My mom suggested as an alternative that I could learn to knit or hook. Her friend Patty is part of a Hookers Club. Now that's the type of thing that I'm attracted to.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The Lord is for me, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Yes, the Lord is for me, he will help me.

Psalm 118:6-7a

Monday, October 17, 2005


Brandon and I on our honeymoon!

We all live with the illusion that joy will come someday when conditions change. We go to school and think we will be happy when we graduate. We are single and are convinced we will be happy when we get married....When we celebrate, we exercise our ability to see and feel goodness in the simplest gifts of God. We are able to take delight today in something we wouldn't have even noticed yesterday. Our capacity for joy increases. (The Life You've Always Wanted, page 72)

I remember sitting in class last spring and just staring at this girl in my Education class who had gotten married over Spring Break. I was convinced she could never have a bad day because she was married.

Until I read this excerpt from John Ortberg's book this morning (which I stole out of Erin's room) I was laying in bed, the first day of my fall break, feeling bummed. Yes, surprsing but true, I am married but was starting to have a bad day. I had high hopes for a break from school, a fabulous trip to Des Moines or Chicago, a day of hanging out with friends or Brandon taking the day off of work and just hanging out with me.

Instead I will be going into work at noon and doing laundry this morning. But I realized how much joy I am surrounded by and how many pleasures God has given me just this morning.

I am grateful that my husband slept in with me for an extra half hour just to hold me because he knows how much I hate it when he leaves.

He went downstairs and packed his lunch and then came back upstairs and crawled into bed with me for a few extra minutes.

I have pumpkins just waiting to be decorated!

I bought a breakfast of powdered sugar donuts to eat and celebrate fall break!

I know I'm sounding pretty cheesy this morning but it is so easy for me to think the grass is always greener elsewhere and that is simply not true. I have a choice to intentionally look for things to celebrate on this day and I fully intend to do so.

This is the day the Lord has made, REJOICE and be glad!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


A P.S. to my previous post. I know I'm responsible for letting friendships go. I didn't meant to say that I'm this fabulous friend. That's the worst part - the failed friendships that are my fault. The friends that aren't in frames all over my room.


I think it is hard to come to the point in a friendship where you suddently realize you no longer are a part of their lives. It hurts my heart.

I want every friendship I'm a part of to live on forever. I want the personal jokes we shared to always be funny. I want to always be able to pick up the phone when I think about my friends without having to worry about updating each other on our lives. I want to be featured in a picture frame in my friend's room. I want to be available to be all things to all people and to be able to say YES whenever a friend wants to hang out.

I'm being ridiculous. Am I ridiculous?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lunch date

I have a lunch date with my dad today. His lunch times amaze me. First he is having lunch with my brother at noon. Then he is getting his haircut. Then he is meeting me for lunch, but as Dad puts it, he'll probably just have dessert and a coke. I am pretty sure that he doubles up on his lunch dates 3-4 times a week.

Don't get me wrong, I love lunch dates. I love the fact that they are a defined amount of time and they have a purpose: eating lunch. But when you start to make your lunch dates outside of the noon to 1pm time period and have already eaten lunch - you really gotta question the motives. I guess Dad really just wants to spend time with me and I get a free lunch out of it - pretty sweet deal.

Arby's new french dip - here I come!

Why Me?

The first thing I would read when getting Seventeen magazine or Teen or Sassy (my personal fave) was the mot embarassing stories section. I would read what other teens submitted about bathroom horrors and kissing mistakes and (gasp) period blunders and just laugh and laugh.

One time I decided to make up my own embarrasing moment - a little test to see if it would get published. My embarassing story was that I was over at my boyfriend's house for a hamburger supper and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I just got my period and was taking longer than usual trying to deal with that, so I hurried out of the bathroom without washing my hands. A few minutes later my boyfriend's mother pointed out to me that I had a little bit of ketch-up on my finger. It wasn't ketch-up. I licked my finger anyway. I broke up with my boyfriend that night!

Seventeen published my creative writing. : )


My sister sent me an email yesterday with the subject line saying: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed. Judging by the number of o's in the so, this was going to be good.

"i had my music blasting from my computer and i thought it was coming through my headphones, but it turns out that they weren't plugged in completely so it was blasting through the whole library! for like 5 songs! i dont know why somebody didn't come say something to me. i'm in a carrel, and now i'm embarrassed to get up because i'm that weird girl who thinks it's okay to blast her music in the library. ugh." -nire3j

I don't know if it's good enough for Seventeen publication but I can feel her pain. Hope you made it out of the carrel alive, sis!


Whenever I have an embarrassing moment the first person I always want to talk to is my sister. She gets it. She responds with both empathy and mockery. It's a beautiful thing. I think she feels the same way about me.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Butterscotch candy

I am sucking on a piece of butterscotch candy and thinking about my dad's old office. He always had a supply of butterscotch candy in a glass dish sitting on his desk.

I loved to go spend a Saturday morning with Dad at work. He would read briefs and I would draw pictures on the marker board in the conference room or doodle all over a yellow legal pad with his red pen. I wrote Dad messages on sticky notes framed with hearts that said I LOVE U DAD!!!!!!! He kept those notes and still has them displayed.

Sometimes I would wander around the office when he would get a phone call and snoop around all the other lawyer's offices. They didn't have candy on their desks. They had pictures of their family in golf tee frames. They had fancy art and leather chairs and mini fridges full of Diet Coke. We would sometimes run into the cleaning lady while we there - she was really nice.

When my sister and brother came along too, we would race up and down the hallway and play hangman on the markerboard. We left the candy dish empty. Dad didn't get much work done on those Saturdays because one of us would inevitably end up in tears fuming mad at the two other siblings who ganged up on the other (the "other" was usually me).


My bff is Katie. She posts cool comments on my blog. She posts pictures of my wedding in magazines. She is my hair twin - she knows what it's like to have thick curly hair and what it's like to straighten that hair. She deserves props today.


Monday, October 03, 2005


I answered the phone at work today and asked a lady if she would like to be transferred to voice mail, she said, "That would be swell."


Also at work, a client was waiting in the lobby and started talking to me about the Nebraska game this weekend. He conversationally told me that he has irratable bowel syndrome and was in the bathroom all of 4th quarter. How can people be so eager to share this kind of information with a stranger?


Brandon and I visited the wood and glass chapel this weekend. You can see it from the interstate and it is just stunning. It is so simple and serene. It reminded me of my peace-loving aunt and uncle. We decided to hike a bit around the area. I so desire to be an outdoorsy girl, but those jumping grasshoppers don't even give me a chance. Do they sting anyone else's legs as much as they do mine?

I guess I will always be a city girl - which my grandpa gets a kick out of when we go for a walk on their gravel road and he picks up a bull snake and flings it into the ditch. I would be impressed if I hadn't sprinted the mile back to their house for safety.
