This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Friday, August 06, 2004

Back by Popular Demand

So the question that I posed a couple days ago: "To shower or not to shower?" that accidentally got deleted yesterday has been brought back by popular demand. Who knew?

The whole 'showering is overrated' trend started last year at Love Hall. All my friends were doing it, but I was totally repulsed by the idea of going a day without a shower, I mocked them mercilessly. I was dependent on my shower to wake me up in the morning, blah, blah, blah, I'm sure you all see where this is going. And then one day I had forgotten to set my alarm and had no time to take a shower, and I survived, but I was still unhappy about it - really, where is this story going? I am boring myself.

Anyway, one of the main reasons I didn't always shower daily was because of hair straighteners. Yes, hair straighteners. I wanted to start straigtening my hair, the only hair tool that I can actually work, but I didn't know how to use a blow dryer and it takes a day for my hair to air dry so naturally it was easiest to shower one day, let it dry, and straighten it the next.

I am proud to report though, with lots of hard work and practice I have managed to teach myself how to blow dry my hair this summer, I know most people go to school for years for this kind of thing, but what can I say? I'm gifted. So now I have no excuse of why not to shower. Unless you want to hear about my theory on: if you don't exercise, you don't deserve a shower. But I think we'll put that story in the pocket for a cold, rainy day.

And just for the record Brandon votes: shower!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

About That...

I love being able to take things back. AOL members have this cool feature where you can send an email and then unsend it if the recipient is a fellow AOL member. You don't even know how many times I have used that feature. And you don't even want to know what those emails that I unsent said.

I wish life had that feature, to be able to take things back, like not just in a "plesae forgive me" sort of way, but in a deleted from all time kind of way. I like that you can delete things after they have been posted on blogs, for instance, I took out my last sentence from my Wednesday posting - now you're all trying to remember what exactly it said, except for Brandon, he remembers everything. : )

If Mary Ann had a blog, I know what should we would write about - taking one of the clients to the hospital last night because she was going into labor. This is also the same girl that I think took my birthday watch that Brandon gave me (tear), but really, I hope the watch is treating her well.

Last night Brandon and I went out to Culver's after Bible study for a late dinner. I kind of tricked Brandon into going there because I was craving icecream and when I suggested we got to DQ he didn't think that would be a good place for dinner so then I suggested Culver's because I knew he had never been there. But can someone back me up that they are just as well known for their butter burgers as they are for their icecream? I got to have Peanut Butter Flutter last night and the clerk said that if I didn't like it I could trade it for chocolate, and let me tell you, I didn't once think about getting up and trading it. And that had nothing to do with the Berean clique that followed us in and trapped us in the corner of a booth.

As Brandon and I were leaving, one of the guys from our group came up to us at the pop refill station and said he had $5 riding on whether Brandon and I were brother and sister or dating. So we walked back to the group to resolve the issue. It was quite amusing. And on our way out to the car, Brandon gave me a smooch, just incase there were any doubters. Do other couples get these kind of questions? We've been referred to or asked about as brother/sister a few times, we've been called a young married couple at the Lincoln Racquet Club, roommates...Anybody else have any other speculations to add? Do we really look that much alike? If that is the case (that we look a lot alike) than watch out world! I am sooo fine. : )

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The Day of the Blog

Okay, okay, I'll update my blog. I know that I lead that interesting of a life that you all are begging to hear about it. Please.

However, I do feel it in the air - today is the day of the blog. I am currently reading the book Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden which contains some of the most beautiful writing I have ever encountered.
I'll give you a taste:
"And suddenly everything around me seemed to grow quiet, as if he were the wind that blew and I were just a cloud carried upon it. He was familiar, certainly - more familiar in some ways than my own image in the mirror." (196)

My future 7th grade English class will most defnitely be reading the 434 page novel and loving every word of it! The reason that I thought of this book is because in the book, the geisha are required to only engage in important activities on days that there almanac says are good and I bet if I looked in an alamanac today, it would say: good day to blog. But now that I've rambled for over a paragraph, I'm starting to wonder as I'm sure you are too, just how accurate my intuitive almanac is...

So I totally jammed my knee cap into the corner of my bathroom drawer this morning and I promise you, it is still throbbing over 4 hours later. My dad was dropping off a chair for our new digs on his way to work and I was getting ready in the bathroom and he called me on my cell phone to let me know that he was illegally parked so I needed to hustle, and so as I was hurrying out of the bathroom I neglected to see the open drawer and sprinted right into it. The only rewarding part of the injury was that it did produce a eensy bit of blood, through my jean capris mind you, which always make the pain and whining more believable to onlookers, which is really the whole point of an injury, right?

Uh-oh spaghetti-o the day of the blog looks like it's soon to be over. Mary Ann is coming to pick me up so that we can carpool to work at TLC and work together this afternoon! I'm very excited about that. And I think it's so cool that we get to carpool.

Thanks for czeching the blog out today...spelling check like czech is really much more amusing when you're in the Czech Republic, isn't it?