This Must be the Mrs.

Newly married in the Midwest

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Why Me?

The first thing I would read when getting Seventeen magazine or Teen or Sassy (my personal fave) was the mot embarassing stories section. I would read what other teens submitted about bathroom horrors and kissing mistakes and (gasp) period blunders and just laugh and laugh.

One time I decided to make up my own embarrasing moment - a little test to see if it would get published. My embarassing story was that I was over at my boyfriend's house for a hamburger supper and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I just got my period and was taking longer than usual trying to deal with that, so I hurried out of the bathroom without washing my hands. A few minutes later my boyfriend's mother pointed out to me that I had a little bit of ketch-up on my finger. It wasn't ketch-up. I licked my finger anyway. I broke up with my boyfriend that night!

Seventeen published my creative writing. : )


My sister sent me an email yesterday with the subject line saying: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed. Judging by the number of o's in the so, this was going to be good.

"i had my music blasting from my computer and i thought it was coming through my headphones, but it turns out that they weren't plugged in completely so it was blasting through the whole library! for like 5 songs! i dont know why somebody didn't come say something to me. i'm in a carrel, and now i'm embarrassed to get up because i'm that weird girl who thinks it's okay to blast her music in the library. ugh." -nire3j

I don't know if it's good enough for Seventeen publication but I can feel her pain. Hope you made it out of the carrel alive, sis!


Whenever I have an embarrassing moment the first person I always want to talk to is my sister. She gets it. She responds with both empathy and mockery. It's a beautiful thing. I think she feels the same way about me.


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